Monday, May 19, 2008

final fantasy III demystified

After spending 30+ hours, I finally finished final fantasy 3 *crowd roars*!! I was struggling as to which job will be a match for the cloud of darkness (final boss battle). I had a series of job shifts and aimlessly leveling them up but in the end, I found the right combination to finish the job off: a party composed of a sage (black and white magic caster), summoner (to use bahamut and leviathan), geomancer (for terrain, non-elemental magic) and a knight. It was a hard-fought battle and to my surprise, the sage (the only member to be left standing) was the one that finishes everything. It was the least I expected as the intention that I had for the sage will be the main healer of the party. The biggest surprise was that I defeated the cloud of darkness with an item that does a damage of roughly 3k ^_^… when I had lost all hope (since 3 out of the 4 characters were lifeless), the last futile gesture that I thought was to throw one last bit of attack item then watch my last character to bite the dust. And then all of a sudden *kwing* *kwing*… well you get the idea.

This is the second RPG that I finished in my DS and I am currently into WEWY (the world ends with you). This game has some innovative and fresh approach on the gameplay and the best part is it’s not a turn-based rpg wwooohhhoooo!! Am also planning to download tons of rhythm-based game as this is the main reason why I bought NDS over PSP. Until kingdom hearts is to be released, it’s WEWY and rhythm-based games for me ^_^


Anonymous said...

I'm hoping they'll release FF7 for NDS. *crosses fingers*

jexamine said...

- sadly the ff7 remake will be slated for ps 3 as well as the new kingdom hearts title ^_^..

- haven't watched the anime, the only ff anime that i watched was ff unlimited which for me didn't lived up to the ff hype >_<...

Anonymous said...

Yea I heard about that too. Still good though, since my bf has a PS3 HAHA. I could get it for him (but I do all the playing haha).

jexamine said...

huwat!?!? you have a ps3?! *worship*... sigh.... no money to own one T_T

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.