Thursday, July 31, 2008

the beauty of tranquility

edits: none
location: our old house
model: my sister

Saturday, July 26, 2008

all in a day's work

edits: none
location: bridge

8 hours of hard work is only worth a couple of plastic bags (of food) for some of us juan dela cruz. sad but it's the truth

Sunday, July 20, 2008

frozen in time

software: photoshop lightroom
aspect: lighting/shadows
this shot was taken when we had this freaking weather a couple of months ago and it just popped in my mind to "type" my name in the dew of the rain. hope it was visible enough

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

hancock failing the hype

I recently watched the movie hancock with poytspot a couple of days ago. I was excited with this movie that even at late march and early june, I’ve already set aside some dough to watch this movie in the theaters (playdate here in the Philippines was july 3). I’ve seen the commercials, the ads and the media hype that made me more anxious. Time passed and the weekends came, we watched this at a nearby mall and even fought for some good seats in the theater. The anticipation and excitement was there as the film rolled but as the story progresses, I became pretty much disappointed.

As usual, Will Smith was livin his role as hancock but it lacked the depth for a film tainted with such hype. Its good point though is that hancock ain’t your average “hero” plus it infuses the “light” humor as the story progresses.

Given the chance, will I watch hancock again in theaters or just download from torrent? I’m most certain that I will just rent this movie or download it in torrent when I need some descent movie that can make me somewhat laugh. IMHO, this is Will Smith’s second flop for a movie (the first one being I am legend).

Next stop, the dark knight. We’ll see if the joker will live up to its name.

Monday, July 7, 2008

making life a little complicated

Time and time again, I’ve proven to myself that I am the type of guy that gets easily bored with stuff, people and most especially relationships. Just when I thought that I found her, this syndrome, this plague automatically kicks into high gear to tempt to do some dirty deed….. yet again.

I blogged about the photographer numerous times in here and I really thought that we were having a great time (and we were). But there’s this something inside that’s screaming for something, something more. And from the depths of the messaging world came an SMS with a name oh so familiar to me (I’ve yet to think of a pseudonym for her). And from then on, we exchange messages on a frequent basis until it came to a point that we are starting a relationship and all of these are happening with the photographer on the sideline, clueless on what I am doing. Damn this twisted head of mine but I do enjoy this and I wouldn’t exchange it for anything else! Not to be an egotistical as I am, but I will try to catch another fish and we’ll see how it will fair.

As I told the jennesis when we had a conversation, I just love toying on other people’s emotion. I dunno… I guess it gives me the satisfaction that I can’t get on anywhere else. The thrill and the rush! I’ll use anyone, everyone and anything just to give me this pleasure and for my own benefit. Twisted indeed!

I kept on telling the photographer to refrain from saying daisuki da yo and/or ti voglio bene or hamisya/halabya. Not because I am not showy of my emotions nor I don’t like those words being sez to me. It’s just that when I finally know her true feelings, this will cause me to utterly lose interest in her (in a couple of days after toying with her for the last time) and ultimately leaving her without any notice (much like what happened to the insomniax, the jennesis and some other). The photographer is somewhat special because she is being backed up by my favorite cousin so I really have to try and behave.

This will sound like am so full of myself and egotistical but this has what I become after a couple of years of hiatus. I know it turned out bad but what’s important is that am enjoyin myself every now and then.

Am seriously applying as sinackular’s disciple.

Friday, July 4, 2008

jexamine.inspiration = inspiration + 1

It’s been a while since I last had a critique on my compositions, though only a few elites had seen and read the masterpiece. Recently, I had a chat with the jennesis when I was asking her a favor. The jennesis is both a fan (as she puts it) and a major critic in some, if not all, of my sonnets. She recently read the eternia entry in this blog which was incidentally for someone with the same name as hers but with a different pseudonym. I asked her to compare the sonnets nowadays as opposed to the ones that I gave her way back and she bluntly sez that the old ones were better (by far). “how can this be!?” was my initial thought. And as if on queue, she answered me that the sonnets now lack the passion and sincerity that I once infused in it. Well, I do admit that some of the sonnets now were a bit monotonous and half-heartedly done but (as I sez 88 times) this is me at the moment – somewhat on a rage, disoriented and disconnected from the 3d world.

To remedy this dilemma, I asked the jennesis a favor: if I can borrow her again as my inspiration. This was a bold move but I thought that the only way to make things happen is to bring her back to my life again. She approved the idea but she also uttered “maybe this time around, my charms won’t work anymore”. I didn’t care anymore as long as I can regain my original form. Am hoping to give the piece to her today but as of now, I haven’t done anything – no titles, no scenario, no nothing. I fear that the jennesis’ word holds true. It’s as if I have nothing for her, like I dunno her or sumthing. Well, that maybe good before but definitely not now… I don’t wanna push the words in my next couple of sonnets because they are for a very, very important person(s) and she/they only deserves my best.

Editor’s note: the sonnet eternia was done with all the passion that I have. It just seems so plain and simple but the things there are the things that I miss the most now that I don’t have the jennylicious.

sinackular is god! Can I be one of your disciples?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

reality check

I had a week off at work last week thus the lack of updates here in this blog. The leave was a perfect timing since there had been a lot of happenings lately. Literally each and everyday, something new and somewhat exciting always happened.

For starters, last Monday was the feast of the saint john the Baptist in our neighborhood and it’s a tradition to literally throw and bombard innocent bystanders and passerby with water (like the ritual where john baptized jesus). We have this thing called Libad wherein a procession for the “saints and figurines” by the lake will be held (via boats known as bangka). It usually starts early in the morn (like 8 or 9 a.m.) and the saint will be carried back to dry land by noon. Then another procession will ensue routing all the way to the church. I have a couple of pictures of the feast and will post them here as soon as I got my own connection at home.

Last week also marks the purchase of my new desktop wwwoooooohhhhooo!! But this also means that I am flat broke! I was accompanied by poytspot as we purchased the desktop on another store in another city. That was the first time that I bought a somewhat customized PC and I was lost and I dunno what to do. Poytspot helped me to choose the parts and after a couple of hours, I have my new and improved desktop. I won’t go into details of the specs of this new baby but I’ll give you a hint – it’s powerful enough to handle photoshop lightroom (the very reason why I bought a pimped destop)

It has been a very, very busy and entertaining last week and now am back at the office (which sucks). I just gotta hold on a little bit longer, but until then it’s misery for me…