Friday, March 28, 2008

happy anniversary!!!

The parents just celebrated their nth anniversary yesterday and to commemorate this prestigious occasion, WE (yep! You read it right! We as in including me! I didn’t come to the office) decided to spend it in the new and unfinished subdivision home… I just played pokemon on my DS the whole morning ^__^ then we just had a nice and relaxing lunch. A bunch of my cousins were also present but they were there for the free swim c/o my ermats. After lunch, I did some soundtrippin since my DS was low on batteries and I was so into the music and the beat that I was headbangin! I just hoped that a drumset was there and the experience would have been awesome! Since the 2nd floor is still incomplete, I have the perfect view of the subdivision: the trees, grass and of course and endless sea of houses. I’d love to show you that panoramic view but sadly I ain’t got no camera…. yet… that experience gave me a taste of what my life will be when I eventually am jobless ^__^ and it feels good! I bet that it would be even better come rainy days. After a couple of CD’s I joined my cousins for a swim just to relieve the stress and then we had some snacks courtesy of the ermats and then we went h ome…

Seeing that I didn’t notify the office that I will be “on-leave”, I basically got scolded for that fault but the truth is I intentionally didn’t notify them… like I care of what they sez… don’t get me wrong, there are a bunch of nice people here but I just don’t care anymore ^__^…


Anonymous said...

happy anniversary to your parents :D

jexamine said...

arigatou satsuki-chan!! ^__^.. ill give them your regards..