Monday, March 31, 2008

final fantasy crisis core now released!!

arguably the most anticipated game to ever land on the playstation portable (psp), final fantasy crisis core is now released! After literally years of development and countless sleepless nights and anticipation, psp owners can once again get a glimpse on the almighty Sephiroth and his minions through this latest installment of the final fantasy saga! Final fantasy crisis core is a prologue to the massively successful final fantasy 7 launched then for Sony’s Playstation. The story revolves to certain individuals/characters namely Sephiroth, Cloud and Zack. Yes! You read it right! Zack! The one with Aerith Gainsborough in final fantasy advent children. If you haven’t played final fantasy 7, Zack basically is the source/reason for Cloud’s existence. All of Cloud’s memory claimed to be from Zack! This prologue will further explain the connection between Zack, Sephiroth, Cloud and other Turk members. Boasting spectacular graphics, cutscenes, CG animation and addictive gameplay, final fantasy crisis core is a definite must-buy for every psp

Can’t get enough of the crisis core phenomenon!? Check this link for full details about the game.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

mario and luigi partners in time – completed!!

I finally finished mario and luigi partners in time game for Nintendo DS yesterday wwwooohhhoooo!! After playing the game for a couple of months, my perseverance finally paid off! The final 3 bosses were surprisingly easy as compared to what I had in mind. Top this with the fact that all of my characters were only at level 27! I managed to equip mario and luigi with the “best” trousers and just a cure badge for an accessory. But still, the 3 bosses shouldn’t have been that easy to defeat. I guess it’s due to the fact that I just pimped the stats of my characters to focus on their defense. I guess thatmade my life a little less frustrating. One downside though is the ending – and am not even sure if there is one hahahha! The ending’s kinda letdown but it was worth to play!

A fact to share: this has gotta be the first mario title (for the Nintendo DS) that I’m willing to play all throughout! The game deviates from the traditional Mario and Nintendo introduced a Mario RPG. There are a lot of items to collect, platform jumping, stat management, princess to rescue (as usual), a bowser to confront (as usual) and some semi-impossible puzzles to solve ^__^… I definitely recommend this game to anyone who has a Nintendo DS!

next game on my list: DRAWN TO LIFE

Friday, March 28, 2008

happy anniversary!!!

The parents just celebrated their nth anniversary yesterday and to commemorate this prestigious occasion, WE (yep! You read it right! We as in including me! I didn’t come to the office) decided to spend it in the new and unfinished subdivision home… I just played pokemon on my DS the whole morning ^__^ then we just had a nice and relaxing lunch. A bunch of my cousins were also present but they were there for the free swim c/o my ermats. After lunch, I did some soundtrippin since my DS was low on batteries and I was so into the music and the beat that I was headbangin! I just hoped that a drumset was there and the experience would have been awesome! Since the 2nd floor is still incomplete, I have the perfect view of the subdivision: the trees, grass and of course and endless sea of houses. I’d love to show you that panoramic view but sadly I ain’t got no camera…. yet… that experience gave me a taste of what my life will be when I eventually am jobless ^__^ and it feels good! I bet that it would be even better come rainy days. After a couple of CD’s I joined my cousins for a swim just to relieve the stress and then we had some snacks courtesy of the ermats and then we went h ome…

Seeing that I didn’t notify the office that I will be “on-leave”, I basically got scolded for that fault but the truth is I intentionally didn’t notify them… like I care of what they sez… don’t get me wrong, there are a bunch of nice people here but I just don’t care anymore ^__^…

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

a diamond in the rough

Finally!! A chance to earn some extra cash not only for us bloggers but also writers (professional or not). How you may ask? Here’s a conversation that might give you a clue.

jexamine: ne, ne.. I’ve found a way on the net how we can earn some extra cash!!
kira: (excited, anxious)
kira: how!? How!? What are we to do!?
jexamine: (calms kira)
jexamine: this will be easy for us since we both love writing stuff.
kira: what is it!?!? What are we to do for this easy so-called money!?
jexamine: well like I said, it’ll be a cinch! We just have to write entries in our blog regarding certain topics or events! Easy eh!?
kira: (confused)
kira: uuhhmmm.. earth to jexamine! We’ve been blogging for the longest of time and yet I don’t see any cash flowing on my bankbook… are you sure you’re not on drugs or something!?
jexamine: I do realize that we’ve been blogging for quite a while…..
kira: (interrupts jexamine)
kira: true! true!
jexamine: but are we subscribed to blogvertise?
kira: (confused)
kira: blogver-what!?
jexamine: blogvertise dude! Blogvertise!

Blogvertise let’s a blogger/writer earn some cash just by doing some QUALITY write-ups on the topic or events that they will give to their resource. They employ a 3-step process: 1st the advertisers will submit their products to the blogvertise headquarters. 2nd the blogvertise team will review and select the appropriate writer for the job. 3rd the blogger will create quality write-up and post it on his/her blog. Simple and yet effective! For full details and specifications of their terms, head on over at Register and join the revolution that the blogging community is raving about…

Monday, March 24, 2008

magic.cast = reflect();

I’ve a pretty much long vacation thanks to the holyweek/Lenten season. Prior to the said vacation, I’ve been thinking as to where to go to somewhat reflect so I may know what to do with this garbage of a life that I have or somewhere I could chill and just take some time off on everything (just to do some mental and creative floss). Sadly (and as expected), no plan was achieved thus I am forced to stay at home for the duration of my vacation. It wasn’t so bad, it was actually better than I hoped for. I got the opportunity to rest and sleep to my heart’s content, chill and not worrying of a thing, watch a couple of animes and I did managed to reflect and realized what I wanted to do – at least for the time being. I realized how much I crave to have my own camera (and am not talking about those that are built-in to some handphones) but I did also realized how freakin expensive they are!!! I managed to finish a couple of animes – welcome to the NHK and ikkitousen season 1. Programs that air on television are useless since it’s Lenten season and I thought to myself “having a cable right now would be a very good idea”… I did go for a swim since the weather was like hell for the past couple of days, hopefully it will get better. Having this vacation and just chillin and doing what I want (which we termed here in the Philippines as PETIX) has made me realized that this is what I want and the thing that my soul and body is yearning for the past 2 years or so… before you get any ideas, lemme make myself clear – what I want is to work from home, free from the hazards that is known as the office and the corporate world. This way, the creative juice on my mind will freely flow and do whatever it wants – maybe good, bad or incomplete but this is what encompasses me as a human being. When I wrote the entry that I mentioned being inspired by numerous entities, I loved how that felt. I’ve never felt that much of excitement and challenge for the longest of time and lately there are certain ideas that had been running on my mind involving scenery and photography. I barely have enough money for a couple of months (when I quit accenture) which means I can’t waste them on petty stuff but am so weak when it comes to the infamous action figures >_<… Well, I haven’t moved to the subdivision and the parents are constantly asking when I wanna move so we can transfer all the stuff in here. I told them that it’ll be on July when I finally quit my job. They were astounded upon hearing that I wanna quit my job! They thought that am just playin when I mentioned this to them before – I am dead serious! I guess I’d also wanna transfer to the new home as soon as possible but what impedes me is this oath that I made – that when I finally move, the pc will be upgraded and Im’a be wired so I can do at least some part time or sumthin (note: it has come to my attention that I will try to specialize in contractual or part time jobs). Upgrading the PC ain’t a problem, it’s the expenses that troubles me… like I said, I have little money and budgeting expenses and prioritizing isn’t one of my elements. TASUKETE!!!!! TASUKETE!!!

I managed to finish a couple of graphics for the jexamine including the header, a banner (for stacy) and a link button (for poytspot) but it hasn’t been that much of a productive vacation for me T__T

Monday, March 17, 2008

ozinefest mania!!!

After office hours, I did a detour at a local mall to buy some tickets on the upcoming ozinefest. I searched and searched but to no avail!! The store/resto (yaoshinouya) was nowhere to be found and all my efforts were for naught!!

Am not feeling well… am sick! But this did not deter me from acquiring the precious tickets (getting monotonous now ain’t it!?). as I sez, am not feeling well but this is also the day that my cousin will move. The planned move had been scheduled for months now but had been cancelled due to the fact that they are still looking for a much better deal (in terms of the house and community). They end up choosing their first choice ^__^… an adrenaline rush was the reason for me to check and move the drumset which had been laying here for decades! The original plan was to accompany them to the new house then be dropped off at SM megamall to buy the tickets. However, it took them the longest of time to put everything on the truck so I decided to go on ahead since it’ss pretty much late. As I am on my way, I saw a different city than the ones that am used to seeing each and everyday on my way to work. When the night bids “hello”, the city paints her face with all the glamour, dazzle and sparkles and being the entity that she is known for: traffic, gimmicks, nomo sessions! When I finally reached megamall, the first thing in mind was to go to the foodcourt and find the cosph booth… minutes passed, then hours then in the end… I didn’t find their booth T__T so decided to buy the tickets to Yoshinouya. Check it out!! We are finally on our way to the ozine con!!

I finally finished the school rumble marathon wwwooohhhooo!!! I dunno if am shallow or what but every time I watched an anime of this genre, there’s this feeling inside me that I cannot explain (aside from being inspired). Speaking of inspired, I finally finished the logo for the jexamine blogspot wwooohhoooo!! I also did a link button to give to stacy… hmmmmm, I wonder what’s next!? I could do the header of this site so as to claim it as MINE. Hehehehhe.

Friday, March 14, 2008

sudden surge of inspiration

As most of you know, almost all of the sites that I browse/visit using the company’s internet are either blocked or the page doesn’t display right (e.g. no css, no background nor images). One thing that is worth noting yesterday is that a peer showed me a “work-around” to access all the sites that are blocked by the websense catcher. I tried it, and it works (to my amazement)!!! I immediately accessed the website to know the low-down on the upcoming OZINEFEST to be held at SM Megamall this coming April 4 and 5. Afterwards, I accessed my yahoo mail and was in awe when I read a email regarding a job offer and a relocation to Baguio city! I soooo wanted the job but I told the company that I am still bounded in Accenture until july of the current year and I doubt if they’ll be contacting me any time soon. Now all of these don’t make any sense in relation to the title of this post ne!? well earlier today, seeing that I can pretty much access any site of my bidding, I began on surfing the site and a peer here sent me a link that contains some cosplay review and a phenomenal cosplayer known as alodia gosiengfiao! A picture is worth a thousand words and most definitely, you’ll be speechless once you see and admire her in her chosen costume! I found her deviantart account and just saw how expressive and artistic this girl really is (not to mention a couple of excellent shots! Kudos to the photographer). While on the deviantart site, I searched for james florentino’s account to see what he is up to nowadays. I wasn’t disappointed on what I saw. Though there have been no updates on his official site, its clear that he’s still doing what he does best – flash, photography, design, artistry and pretty much anything and everything in between. What caught my attention were his initial pix, specially the one labeled as resurrection. So damn expressive and rather timely ^_^… in my eyes, james had been and still is one of the pillars of flash dev/design here in the Philippines. From one pillar to another, nico cardenas is a friend that I met online via forums. Now here’s a guy that (in my opinion) is pretty much who I once was – very competitive (in a good way), confident and really knows the stuff that he is talking about. Nico is one of those emerging flash dev/designers (which they now coined as devigners) that doesn’t hesitate to share and help others. I visited his site and came about a post regarding his experimental particle theory using flash as his medium. Upon seeing the effects, I was like “sugoi-ness!!!”… in the eyes of many pros, the effect may seem rather subtle and simple but I can’t really explain what I felt… better see for yourself ^_^…

I dunno what happened, but all of these chains of event suddenly triggered sumthing deep inside that had been dormant for quiet a long time.

It made me realized who I once was: a struggling and passionate web and flash designer that loves photography and poetry

And pointed out what I’ll never be: a java developer (java-man as termed here in the office)

But broaden the perspective of the future: cosplay conventions, photography and blogging.

Hopefully, from here on now, I can become the “entity” that I once was. This dim light should be well protected so as I can catch up with my fellow runners: padlock, stacy, goodygood and admire those that are above us (senpai): james florentino, nico cardenas but not forgetting that we share common visions, common interests and passion: anime, action figs, design, photography. While having the time of our lives, enjoying and savoring OUR moment: cosplay

Monday, March 10, 2008

a slice of heaven.......... or hell

I never mentioned before that we own this piece of land on a certain subdivision. The initial plan was for us to build a house (duhh) and try the subdivision life. Sadly, this plan never did push through since we were scammed with regards to the house’s materials, labor and plan. All of the money intended for the house were gone and I never looked at the house ever again………. until yesterday…. Through the years we are able to generate some dough and little by little they (parents) managed to rebuild the house that was once a dream. Though it’s far from completion, we are scheduled for the transfer after the holyweek or the 2nd week of april (assuming that everythin goes well). As I sez, I went there (together with the family) yesterday just to “feel” what our lives will be on the next couple of years. There is virtually nothing on our house: no bed, no tables or/and chairs no nothing. But we all went there just for a breather, to relax and bond (which is a first). I loved how the breeze of the wind smacks to my face ^_^, the open ground and the new beginning. The only downside is that it’s so goddamn quiet! I mean (am guessing) by 8 o’clock it’s already lights out. Sigh… though this fact still remains, it cannot and will not deter me on living the subdivision life…

nothin to blog about

Yup! You read it right! I can’t think of anything to write!! *sigh*… am having this most difficult time not only on thinking of what to write but also expressing what I truly feel… am I in a slump!? I sure as hell hope not since it will take me months to regain my writing prowess… I guess there’s just nothing to blog about... nothing exciting is happening with my life… how I wish I have my special someone with me… with her by my side, I can blog anything and everything everytime! Give me the jennesis or the elusive sampaguita! Hell I’ll even take the insomniax one just to rekindle something *sigh*… whenever I think of a moment (whether special occasion or just watching the sunset – cheesy ^__^) for some surreal reason, sampaguita’s face just pops out of nowhere. I dunno why, it just happens and you don’t need a reason to want or long for someone. It’s innate in human emotion to feel that way and it’s also built in to our program to want something that we won’t ever have. There will be a pyro Olympics that will be held at a local mall on the fourth week of March and guess who I am thinking to share that moment with!? There’s this soothing and romantic effect that fireworks brings to me so I want to share that moment to the ONE ^__^… I guess am just watching to much Japanese stuff to feel this way. Am clueless on what to do anymore, I just wanna die right now…

fun with the boys

A couple of things transpired this last weekend that served as oxygen to my dying body… I did a school rumble (anime) marathon this Saturday and I just can’t get enough of it!! I like the humor that this anime depicts on each and every episode as well as the lives of certain students: the conflicts and every circumstance that they get into! As I watched the anime, I always sez to myself “I’ll just watch 3-4 episode for today” but the ending is that I finished season and is halfway of season 2 -_-;… am so into the series that am humming the opening and ending theme song (season 2) so if anybody knows the title and artist of the song, please do let me know ^__^… the school rumble experience wouldn’t be complete without…. wallpapers!!! I downloaded 20+ wallpapers of school rumble as well as code geass…

Monday is declared as a special holiday here in the Philippines so we had somewhat of a long vacation and I seized this opportunity by meeting up with my friends… it’s been a while since we last saw each other and it’s a very rare instance when everybody’s there. The main reason for this meeting (aside to catch up on things) is because a friend’s mother will be returning to Switzerland… she is considered as the mama of the group and she takes care of us really well so it’s a somewhat our tribute to her since it will be a while before we can see her again… probably the biggest improvement on our group is karding, who is actually doing some 3-d rendering!! I was like “sugoi-ness!!!”… I always wanted to do some 3d modeling and create my own character *sigh*… as the day was about to end, a friendly cosplay banter turned into some serious discussion… I’ve always wanted to cosplay (and its one of the to-do list) but never had it been discussed in such a serious manner… same as me, karding is also thinking about cosplaying on the coming event on april 5-6 as a group cosplay… one problem – we are all noobs, doesn’t know how to make a costume and the cosplay deadline is nearing… we had a couple of options as to who we will be come cosplay: 1) akatsuki (naruto) 2)ultraman 3)bioman 4)sentai… nothing’s final yet and I dunno if we’ll make it come april 5-6 but we’ll do our best ^__^…

When I am with those guys, I dunno how the day will go and am clueless on what the ending will be. We always, always have a blast when we are together, setting aside all of the pressure, angst and heartache and even on that single day, we are just a bunch of boys havin some good ol’ clean fun…

a weekend worth livin

A lot of things and events transpired this week and am so fortunate to be at the right place, at the right time (well at least in my opinion).

afternoon, as planned, I went to a nearby mall to buy a sneakers since the one am using before gave up on a ride at enchanted kingdom (theme park). It cost me almost all of my Christmas bonus which meant that for the first time since I started workin here at assenteuex, I finally used my Christmas bonus (before kasi, it was in the form of gift certificate). Before I bought the sneakers, I did some canvassing with regards to the NDS lite and r4 and sadly they are also out of stock *sigh*… played time crisis at quantum and I basically sucked!! It’s not my fault! It’s that crappy hand-gun that won’t function well! When I got home, every one’s excited since this be the day na mamamanhikan yunng boyfriend of my cousin. It’s basically asking for the parent’s go signal for them to marry ^__^

I had an inner feud whether or not attend the pogs convention at trinoma. I sez to myself that if it rained (and it did), I’ll cancel the convention thing. We had a freakish weather yesterday: one minute it’s raining then it’ll stop then it will rain again… long story short, I ended up going to the convention ^__^… I arrived there at almost 3 pm (conventions starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 9 p.m.). I did a detour on comic alley (store that sells anime stuff including those for cosplayers) to see if there’s something new. To my surprised, I found an akatsuki cape and bought it right away! It costs me 1.3k but for me, it’s all worth it!! I arrived at the convention (well I really didn’t pay for the entrance since it’s like an “open field”… the downside though is that since am “outside” I didn’t have any souvenir pictures or loot bags /sob) just in time for the cosplay catwalk! I saw a few familiar faces from the h3 con like lee shaoran (card captor sakura) and misa which wore a different costume. The theme for the pogs event is the online games of levelup games but there are those that wore costumes ranging from devil may cry 3 to bleach. There were few cosplayers (about 30 in my estimate) as compared to h3 and there were a couple of “visually appealing” costumes as well like the one that did the gypsy costume (which won 3rd place), the elf, the matrix (complete with an on-stage torid kiss)… and oh did I mention the chick that did the gypsy costume ^__^

Remember the akatsuki cape that I bought from the event yesterday!? Well, am wearing it now!! I’m literally cosplaying in the office!! When I got here, immediate reaction was either laugh or astonishment but mostly laugh ^__^… some immediately sez “what the hell do you think you’re doin man?” and “dude naka-drugs ba u?”… It really felt like cosplaying (minus the pictures since am at the office) in a sense that every where I go, a couple of heads will turn! So this is how it felt! For sure many will think that am a weirdo dressed up like this since office is not in the list of anime convention but I’d like to start small. I mean I’d like to start in a small audience, how I mingle with them in this costume will determine whether or not I will cosplay… but so far, the experience is… mixed hehehe… since its fairly new to me, I felt conscious of course but utterly overwhelmed and enjoy!!

some things to look forward to

I’ve compiled a list of somewhat to-do’s for this year and hopefully I can accomplish most of it (if not all)… this be the second time that I’ll be doing this to-do for the year and the first one was a massive success: 8 out of 9 to do’s had been accomplished!! Hopefully I can sustain this surge… the list is in no particular order, I just write ‘em as they pop in my mind

1. enroll in a Japanese teaching school (language, writing system, culture… basically everything)2. buy Nintendo DS lite (to play kingdom hearts 358/2 days)
3. create a java program within a span of 6 months
4. be onshore for the next 12 months (on-shore = be assigned abroad)
5. new chix
6. participate in at least one cosplay event
7. do a freelance job for flash and web to hone the skill
8. start a “mini” company
9. upgrade my pc and have a dsl connection

am certain that the DS lite thing will be accomplished in a matter of months since am dying to get my hands on it since last year. The Japanese School thing might be tricky since am doing my work plus the plans of doing a freelance and having the hardest time as to decide which school to inquire. I can’t say notthin bout the new chix /pif… we’ll just have to wait and see…