Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thinking hard but not inspired

I’ve a god – given gift when it comes to writing: composing an essay, sonnet or even a couple of lyrics for a song… I love to write! It is how I release what I cannot express through spoken words. I am the first one to admit that, most of the times, words come out of nowhere and the next thing I knew, I’ve completed yet another masterpiece, but there are those rare occasions when I am in a deep slump. What does that mean!? Well basically am forcing the words in my compositions. Am tryin so hard to compose sumthin and in the end I’ve gotten a “frustrated masterpiece” which doesn’t encompass my emotions as a whole (and often doesn’t reflect how I felt). This “slump stage” rarely comes but when it does, am in this “frustrated stage” for a couple of months – can’t think of anything to say nor write… then suddenly I asked myself, “what is missing? How come I can’t compose anything?”.. the answer is quiet simple and you don’t need an IQ of 500 to notice it – I am thinking so hard for the right words to say but I am not inspired! I might have the topic, the picturesque scenery and the words to say but what’s lacking is the emotion, the passion on that certain event.

When you are at the lowest and highest point of your life, it is the best time to just let your emotions take over you! It may or may not do you good but this is the time when a person is at his best: when vulnerable or depressed, on the verge of victory and success you’ll see and feel a different you when you learn to let go and chill…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey :)
You're right, words speaks better than actually "speaking". Inspiration is something very important ... and it's actually quite hard to be inspired! :]